I started writing this biography series around August 2023, and I had calculated that somewhere around the holidays the last blog would drop. [Read More…]
I’m sure there is a chance that those who read Part 1 are like, “Uh, I have a different meaning to spiritual warfare?!” Well, like I said, there are levels to this ish. [Read More…]
In the last blog, we spoke about self-reflection and how it coexists with the ego. [Read More…]
It’s very important to know yourself. [Read More…]
We’ve all seen a or our favorite artist or public figure go through a challenging, difficult, and sometimes dark phase in their life. [Read More…]
My last blog was about what inspired but mostly triggered my humanitarianism and social work activities. [Read More…]
Those that have read the intro on my homepage know that besides modeling, I also used to do social work in the community at the Foster Care Department between 2019 and 2022. [Read More…]
I’m aware that my fan base does not consist of a majority of women. [Read More…]
What is survivor’s guilt. [Read More…]
Today is my Birthday. [Read More…]