FlatPress My FlatPress blog FlatPress Admin 2025 2025-03-12T11:51:24+00:00 Admin ~/ Final blog 11: Holiday season - Family matters ? + Recap - This is me. It's nice to meet you. ~/?x=entry:entry231224-183109 2023-12-24T18:31:09+00:00 2023-12-24T18:31:09+00:00

I started writing this biography series around August 2023, and I had calculated that somewhere around the holidays the last blog would drop. [Read More…]

Blog 10: When the spirit is being attacked ~/?x=entry:entry231219-230858 2023-12-19T23:08:58+00:00 2023-12-19T23:08:58+00:00

I’m sure there is a chance that those who read Part 1 are like, “Uh, I have a different meaning to spiritual warfare?!”  Well, like I said, there are levels to this ish. [Read More…]

Blog 9: When the spirit is at war ~/?x=entry:entry231214-213848 2023-12-14T21:38:48+00:00 2023-12-14T21:38:48+00:00


In the last blog, we spoke about self-reflection and how it coexists with the ego. [Read More…]

Blog 8: Selfreflection, a spiritual journey ~/?x=entry:entry231208-204113 2023-12-08T20:41:13+00:00 2023-12-08T20:41:13+00:00

It’s very important to know yourself. [Read More…]

Blog 7: The Setback vs The Comeback ~/?x=entry:entry231128-115630 2023-11-28T11:56:30+00:00 2023-11-28T11:56:30+00:00

We’ve all seen a or our favorite artist or public figure go through a challenging, difficult, and sometimes dark phase in their life. [Read More…]

Blog 6: The struggle of being a Model and Social Worker ~/?x=entry:entry231119-173633 2023-11-19T17:36:33+00:00 2023-11-19T17:36:33+00:00

My last blog was about what inspired but mostly triggered my humanitarianism and social work activities. [Read More…]

Blog 5 : Storytime - Humanitarianism + Surviving Jeugdzorg (CPS) ~/?x=entry:entry231107-202627 2023-11-07T20:26:27+00:00 2023-11-07T20:26:27+00:00

Those that have read the intro on my homepage know that besides modeling, I also used to do social work in the community at the Foster Care Department between 2019 and 2022. [Read More…]

Blog 4: Mommy Issues vs. Feminism ~/?x=entry:entry231023-163327 2023-10-23T16:33:27+00:00 2023-10-23T16:33:27+00:00

I’m aware that my fan base does not consist of a majority of women. [Read More…]

Blog 3 Survivors guilt: My Tragic Childhood ~/?x=entry:entry231015-122520 2023-10-15T12:25:20+00:00 2023-10-15T12:25:20+00:00

What is survivor’s guilt. [Read More…]

Blog 2: Dinner table story + painful lifelessons + Birthday Prayer ~/?x=entry:entry231002-063341 2023-10-02T06:33:41+00:00 2023-10-02T06:33:41+00:00

Today is my Birthday. [Read More…]